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17 Feb

Yo La Tengo – Green Arrow

I smell clover.

The purple white bursts

of pollen,

of summer heat,

and sour wheat,

chest high

and seas deep.

Thrashing cricks

that claw between

mounds of mulch

that clamor on

atop the gulch

of brethren fallen

to white veins.

We’d open floodplains

and one of the neighbors many sons

would trudge the swamp

and erase the floods we’d done.

. . .

And on the boat,

on bone dry land

we’d hunt.

We’d rend the dipping sun.

We’d run and run

from boots in mud.

Dripping blood across my hands,

snare heart drum

Doing laps over the lands.

. . .

Yeah I know we had

our opposites,

feuding bands,

bountiful rocks,

spacely plans,

separate plots.

My memories


the waves of heat.

Can’t tell the difference between clay and cleet.

The things we share

in thorns and rust,

the windy stare

of devil’s dust.

The devils snare

of shit rose glass

and small town fairs.

Quaint until

you’re working there.

. . .

We did not all get

all we want.

Would what we want

have been enough?

Image: mikhail kryshen


8 Sep

Sisyphus – Alcohol

Life oh now why am I endlessly

measuring matters with those of an-

other, if waters of fables my

whole life was leading to came just by

closing that delta you’d think I’d have

done that already.

Picking my way through the needles on

sidewalks the work walk disrupted by

glance of the past yeah the glance of a

fleeting careening if beautifully

seeming it’s only the feeling that

comes with the ending.

Why am I floating the cosmonaut

feeling I crash into ceilings I’m

talking I’m reeling when fighting my

monsters my pilot’s on auto there’s

always more time to design a new

motto. I’m working.

It ends with a glow

31 Aug

SoF – It Ends

It ends with a glow.

It ends with the half-light of some dumb show.

If all the places pulsed red

where in my life I have laid my head.

Well some would be your house,

and some would be their house,

and some on a train.

Well all of those times I meant to be a pain,

they were the jerk of a knee.

And all of the times I tried to be funny,

It might be the same source,

a similar half bred witless horse.

On the night with the deer,

I’ve made choices and ended here.

Unclear if I like who I am.

I’m a path of the root of the same dumb man.

If every “if” formed and threw

landed on land and grew,

and if asked,

I guess I’d have grafted one or two.

Tracking Dirt

24 Sep

Tracking Dirt – SoF

I sewed seeds and their harvests reveal,

the need to retread,

the paths in my head.

Ruminate while tending to plots,

I forgot,

oh, I weed a lot.

Captivate me quietly,

and take me to that place,

where the past leads the way.

I can’t slow down I am jumping between,

a bay side town,

and a swamp and a frown.

Culminate can I stop the clock?

I’m backed up at the block,

a metaphorical clot.

You can fake me perfectly,

I’ll talk about today,

in my regular way.

Step outside to a luminous shock,

with my feet in the grass,

and my eyes at half mast.

It permeates and by the time I can see,

cool grey sky has arrived,

tornado inside the eye.

Jar this ghost reality,

and take me to the place,

where I lead the way.

Rain falls down and this drought is repealed,

and it’s flooding my fields,

spring forth a bountiful yield.

I cultivate and I am present again,

you’re a delicate wind,

and you’re taking my hand.

Image: Lotus Carroll

New New Ceremony

8 Dec


Harmonics – Gareth Dickson

Wrapped in the blanket we wove,

we’re waiting out the storm.

Sand sleet whips at windows worn.

The sands of time will eat our love.

The first tear in the fur of a bear

only after we’re bones and a pile of hair.


We witness the mixture of sediment.

And the ceremony is grand,

but love isn’t sand

and the process loses it’s target sentiment.

All we have is this wind.

We’re going to keep each other warm.

We cant protect from all these elements.

But we’ll leave this earth in finer form.

image:Mihai Balan

(and Her)

15 Apr

Sufjan Stevens – Borderline

A ride home as kind as morphine,

I saw floods slip over quiet eyes of friends.

The bridge softly buckles and

the rivets give like dough.

But the tires have all melted away anyways.

and Her lids are heavy and she’s

losing the fight these days.


I never saw the blinking lights,

I never heard the siren’s sounds,

Please, let me have the window seat.


A ride home being sung to sleep,

I saw lids slip over quiet eyes of mine.

Magdalene softly chuckles and

tidal waves rise and grow,

but my fires have all died away anyways.

And her lids are heavy and she’s

losing the fight these days.

image: tocityguy

We are what you want.

31 Jan

Marconi Union – Nothing Ever Happens In Tunguska

I hope I dream another dream tonight.

I hope this proves to be a better year.

I’m swallowing a stone that won’t go down.

Upon examination fades away.

Elusive time it always gets away

with homicide. I’m left to slip slow down

in dip down sheets and dream this bitter year

away in premature moonbeams tonight.

image: AndyCunningham

Best told low

22 Dec

Modern Drummer – American Analog Set

The best love stories are the ones I never heard.

An advertised love hangs upon the thinnest threads,

plinks high notes and treads.

They are the wailing melody to the bass in our heads.

A drone we hear from miles away.

The undercurrent on choppy days.

Cello strings cheats strung bow.

Won’t play notes staff page says.

image: Jerry Cooke

I am Them to You

22 Nov

Sufjan Stevens – Holland

Emerging from sleep it seems
I cannot reconcile with my lost dreams
I’ll be fine
I’ll be fine.

Walking parks and explains how he
plots loopholes in the religion he follows to the t
I don’t know why
He won’t say why

A tinge of olive all over, the world slipping from your grasp
I live in photos now, forever state of half wit faux gasp.
my girl

she keeps

me safe

in sleets

A breath of wind, a breath of life,
blew over my closed eyes,
in the end,
what will I defend?

image: angelrays

Relax the scalp and let your hair fall out on the carpet

25 Oct

Beck – Farewell Ride

In solitude, or in the
locked eyes of a desperate song they
take me there, I’m
biking a hot day and a lonesome
run down boathouse rough road home
jut sand bank tell of fortune old as time
clock rocking the knotted rocker: grave
She sees me who I am and I came: the
future. Only memory scenes and I
am the sucker side of some cheap con
for I am not upon a bicycle nor
deep into a summer afternoon.
I see old days and I swoon
I live them a memory at each core
and choke seeds of cyanide that come
with each one. Ah, well, someday we’ll all die.