Archive | September, 2012

Shudder Fotter

24 Sep

Sparklehorse – Return to Me

I walked, and ghosts awoke me.

So very high a bridge beneath

my feet.

A man who jumped before


A girl engraving light

on slides behind glass.

They see the same sight.

They hear a similar score.

But different tones of thunder and brass.

A moment before.

Equivocal and opposite,

God’s Grandeur and the loss of it.

Open mechanical and golden gates.

First opened for the descent

four days late.

image: Curtis Gregory Perry

Nobody else even knows you exist

18 Sep

M83 – Facing That

Yes, yes, it’s true, I am your only friend, nobody else even knows you exist. They will. And it will be the greatest day in the history of mankind.

Light letting fog pale blue and lavender hues reach my eyes and I comprehend with cones. A world too beautiful. I see plains before the time of names, before signs and invisible lines I went and vanquished.

On the tip of the sky, I know what I’ve got.

I left coffee rings on everything.

Where did these elbows grow?

image: Giant Ginko

We fall from trees with grace

13 Sep

Flying Lotus [feat. Laura Darlington] – Auntie’s Lock/Infinitum

Sometimes you can’t wade through,

and thoughts they carry you away.


And you’re falling with the rain,

Impact back in bed again.


Pause                                   Pause

Grow                       Grow

Orange                                  Orange

Stop                                                         Stop

And you’re back underneath.

Sometimes we ride the tide,

and sometimes we hide in the deep.

tied by vine sheets.

Heavy foghorn hair

skulking in the ocean green.

Perilous eyes seem tongue-

tied toes turning in trailing kelp.

Help knew no beginning.

Too long I’ve been sinking,

sinning in my dreams,

stinking up the seams of my sheets.

image: jspad