Archive | August, 2012

The Water’s Creeping Over the Floodplains Again.

29 Aug

Okkervil River – A Girl in Port [Demo]

We’re making that rich soil.

We’re confiding in all the wrong people.

We’ve got fish a’ plenty.

But bread and wine’s a different story.

The water’s creeping up in my chest.

Spills in my arms. Shaky.

But flood plains keep the water tame.

Disperse, absorb, reclaim.

image: laerpel

Something to puncture your thick skull, to rip hulls on some quiet night.

22 Aug

Blip – Sounds of Faces

Nights that call to me, and the mists that wrap their shoulders, and the lights that are their eyes. I’ve been waiting. And even though I ignored your brothers, I will pencil you in. Spontaneity was never a strong suit, but not a weak side I’ll forget. I remember. My head craned to the sky and I left the others behind. The stars, a second, a year. Not a minute I’ve been here, and only a minute to go. Will I dance around die? Or have something to show? Would I care if no one knew my name?

I see lemongrass groves.

I see hooves of snow.



10 Aug

Her Father and Her – Adam Green

I shook the spectacle,

and it took me by the hair and sat me down.

Calm him down.

Calm down that man in his head.

The days of rain and plastic leaves.

The time i stuck that stuff on sleeves.

imissit imissit imissit

The dust and stone stairs, bay views and warehouse ruins.

Now I’m all caught up in the spectacle.

It’s respectable.

It’s applaudable.

In the crowd,

the crash,

we’re inaudible.

The Journey Pt. 1

7 Aug

Seed pushed up, and slowly grown in

foreign storms, the winds of Mars, from a fallen oak

on the highest peak of Carroke Point. Altitudes

a different sort. I scaled the eastern face,

felt the breath of death and toppled on the

small plateau. The Peak.

A puff of whipped cream at my feet. The cloud.

The clean. The seed. A different breed.

A closer look reveals shadow pupped corrugated

leaves. Interesting. What could it mean? The

wind recedes. I walked around and surveyed the

scene. Serene. The sediment at my feet,

rusted iron filings, chipped granite and peat. Definitely

unique. How did I…