Archive | December, 2019

I just worry that…

17 Dec

Tears of Unicorn – Fujita Masayoshi


fall from the sky,
like eyes.
Like little souls,
pools from scored pies.
(or pines – we can’t decide)

can we not fight?
What ties
our curled hands
to tools despised.
We’re all alone inside.

in double time.
Ctrl I
I don’t deserve.
I am afraid.
There is nothing left to learn.

My darlings

3 Dec

Bon Iver – Beach Baby

The wait of it all, filling

books with those I won’t kill,

books my darlings fill.

Scraps will fall, telling

how I keep my memories;

ones I’ll forget eventually

’cause sequences, strings and strands.

Cross my I’s and dot my and’s,

’cause I don’t know the state I’m in,

nor the vessel Magdalene,

or why old apologies

were so self serving.

Ways they taper, silent

does an end appear.

Does it dull the fear?

Is there a place to hide it?

Well I hide mine here,

scrawled within some post or mirror,

’cause I’ve never known the pain,

the cringe, the blow across the face

of losing such a piece of me.

But that’s how it has to be.

The sorrow on that last reprise,

to read my words through fresh new eyes.