We get thoughtful and then we get drunk

18 Dec

We leave the poet’s house at dusk,

pulling trails of steam

by our scarf baleens.

The shishy gloves

and cark of gravel follow

us to Main.

The sky was purple.

Now it’s a weather vane.

Thick orange cloud tallow

lit by lights from the plant.

And faerie lights off farther still

wink and weave in pines until

we’re forgotten. Just some town

five miles east of Bonneville Dam.

We reach the bar.

“What did he mean by

‘the din of yesterday’s sin’?”.

We order up and layer down

shooing table crumbs to ground.

At the window seat the panes

creak and bend with each squall,

the roof above drooped from rains

and snow. The glasses hum. Lights flick

tired wires plus the train’s cello

drains the hours and pints tick,

discussing Halls and When Heroes Fall.

It’s midnight now, there’s work tomorrow.

Layer up, a nod to Cal.

Outside the dark is deep,

surrounds our drawn hoods,

frost stealing feeling from our feet

between the high and wild woods.

A playful nudge, a shove, a kiss

as if we’re home

before we reach it.

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